Interactions with Personalities

Zainul Abidin Rasheed
A Warm Meeting with Zainul Abidin Rasheed, Singapore’s Ambassador to Kuwait
Dr. Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakr
Dr. Mohd Hasbi Abu Bakr in discussion with Dr. Umair Mahmood Siddiqui at an official event in Malaysia.
City of Knowledge, Karachi
Mufti Sher Muhammad Khan
Dr. Umair presenting his famous book to the Chief Guest, Mufti Sher Muhammad Khan
City of Knowledge, Karachi
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali welcoming Dr. Umair Mahmood Siddiqui in a formal meeting.
Mufti Sher Muhammad Khan
Dr. Umair presenting his famous book to the Chief Guest, Mufti Sher Muhammad Khan
City of Knowledge, Karachi
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali
Sahibzada Sultan Ahmad Ali welcoming Dr. Umair Mahmood Siddiqui in a formal meeting.
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In the Eyes of Intellectuals

Ahmad Javed
Philospher & Thinker
Dr. Umair continues to progress both spiritually and worldly, reaching new heights. He exemplifies a man of high-spirited and resilient demeanor.
Prof. Dr. Majeedullah Qadri
Ex-Dean, University of Karachi
Dr. Umair made significant contributions as an esteemed member of the Council of Islamic Ideology at a remarkably young age.
Pro. Dr. Qibla Ayaz
Chairman Council of Islamic Ideology
Today, we find ourselves at the City of Knowledge enveloped in an auspicious atmosphere, spearheaded by Dr. Umair Mahmood Siddiqui.